domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

It gets a little bit clearer...

    For any reason, you put yourself to think in the end of a sunny sunday night. It’s already Monday and here I am in a dark room. I feel sorry when I remember that life isn’t all that stuff I thought it was when I was a child. I feel so sorry when I realize that the years are able to upset even the strongest hearts. I feel sorry to remember that I’ve already hurt so important people for me and that I’m sure I’m going to do that again. I’m sorry to think that I allowed so many doors to close on my past, which is now almost stunted.
    I smile for knowing that every year in life has its ups and downs. When I analize them by a general matter, everything happened because of an important reason and, if something hadn’t happened, the year wouldn’t have been so interesting, although it could have been less quarrelsome. I smile for knowing that there are people out there willing to fight for me if needed and then I’m also thankful to say that I also have people for whom I would fight for, just like I’ve already done before. I smile because I still believe in an uncertain future made out of not just mine choices. I smile then when I remember the child I was, who didn’t know exactly what she should do all the time, but still she tried. And now, I smile to realize that sweet child turned into a romantic teenager full of dreams.
    One day, I imagined that everything I had was a simple stone. My imagination transformed that stone in a little seed. Today, that seed still has fragile twigs, but also some perennials leaves. I gladly realize that the seed has more roots than dews, but it’s weird to see that its torso is slightly crimped. Some of its branches have been pruned and others, already too dry, were taken by the wind. Few of them remained insistently there, intact over the years.
    Well, I understood that, also in our life, the seed has a predominant factor to keep growing: it’s the sure that, one day, yes, one day, she will find a tree in the exactly format she always dreamed of being. And will continue to be, from that day forward.

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Just Want...

I think of you
I wonder if you remember the color of my eyes
Because I remember yours
I wonder if you know my favourite musics
Because I even know the lyrics of yours

I think of me
And just like a lynx that hides without no reason
Here I am again hiding behind my peculiar words
Trying to figure out a sense for so many looks

Strangers and fools
Lost and lovely
Judgmental glances reach my soul
Our souls then better saying
And they always want
What maybe is not the best
But just for wanting what we keep with so much care
And they end up forgetting their own ways

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

What really matters...

    When I finally think I’ll be fine alone, I find myself surprisingly searching something to make me keep holding on. People, moments, musics, unfoldings, all of it brings meaning to my life.
    Suddenly, in the middle of a holiday, here I am wishing to be beside those who makes me smile so intensely. No matter where, no matter for how long since I'd be with them. I’ve never thought that the distance could tell us so much about those who we really care about, but you know, lately I’ve blindly believed in this sentence.
    One day, someone asked what happiness meant to me. I thought a little before answering, but soon I arrived in a interesting answer. Happiness, definitely, is not a perpetual feeling, it’s an instant sensation.  Sometimes it lasts just a second, sometimes it lasts for days, but it’s still ephemeral.
    Happiness is a little spark, very delicate by the way, because it fades easily and it only comes back with a mighty purpose.

quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2012

In a Religion Class...

I know that life changes and so does our ways
Sometimes people stay and sometimes they just go away
But even if no one understands, without even caring about the reason
Still let them go and remain alone with the illusion

But why do not we just stay equal
Contradicting all that society try to impose
Showing that we can get over much more than a simple torpor?

I realize that the world revolves around certain ideals
But it's our consent to follow them or not as fundamental principles
However, the detail is no matter what we do, it’ll be indifferent
But the way we execute it, will remain forever

sábado, 19 de maio de 2012

An English Class...

Open my eyes
Look at the sky
Can’t see anything  not to make me cry
Then I close them again
Look inside my soul
And I can find a just mine world
It’s not that complicated, maybe  bit overrated

And I can be wrong or simply trying to hold on
Stay up all night without a melody to go
Remember the times when everything was so right
Wake up in the morning with a huge smile

It’s weird to feel this hope inside here
Even when the nobles hearts are scared
Winds bring me words
That stole the sound of magic
And make me laugh like a child in Brundswick
Rain falls apart and make me remember
The memories of a life that I don’t know how
I had forgotten 

sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012

Today was a Fairy Tale...

     You Know, I believe that in each trip we do, we make descoveries. Not just about us, but also about people that come with us.          
     We find out new  habits , we get enchanted with some actions. In a trip, we have the oportunity to know the best and the worst of each person, what can be boring and annoying or maybe fun and interesting.         
       Sometimes we meet different people. With some of them we get on very well since first sight, on the other hand, with some other, not even in second or third sight. The best thing for being in another country is that no matter what you do or how embaressed you get, there’ll be always that sentence to save you: “Oh, sorry, I’m not from here...”. This is a fact!        
     Coming back home ends up becoming something weird, because we know that we haven’t been here for fifteen days, but it just doesn’t seem real. And then, when we see the pictures to prove to ourselves that it was, it seems that everything happened a long time ago.           
     Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and live it all again like it’s the first time. Be surprised like I never did before, say again everything I said, laugh, take pictures, well, feel the same thing twice.         
     However, I wonder why we never feel the same twice and I made a conclusion: because it’s just impossible. No matter how happy you are or how messed up you’re feeling, it won’t happen again. Life is too short for we repeat the same experience. Besides, the feelings grow up with us, so it’s also always changing. Each time is gonna be different. We gotta try every feeling our brain wants to show us.         
     It’s incredible how it Works. Our brain can make us feel so happy sometimes and then, later, you feel like life is not that good. But I don’t think it’s purposeful, it just wants to let us choose our own ways, and let us know how every feeling is like.
All of this is really weird, but, at least, it’s a magic moment that's worth.   

sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012


It's seems like there’s a certain ease for we to get confused about some feelings. We confuse love with friendship, irony and reality, satisfaction with happiness. Sometimes the simple fact that a person is available, is sweet and willing to help, we have the impression that it may unfold in a love story. I think it is possible, but if not, it costs nothing bet on a strong friendship. But a friendship that which one really cares about the other. In which jokes are made, but no hurt is cultivated. A friendship that a simple hug represents thousand words of consolation and a simple smile represents more than another thousand words of thanks.
                  How to distinguish irony of reality is really complicated. A slightly different intonation and the fight is done. We argue for so stupid reasons that it's almost impossible to believe in what actually occurred. Irony doesn’t always work like we want or why, but sometimes it hurts, it can be even more painful than if the reality had been told at first time. At the time that we ironize something,  we open the way for the imagination of the person who hears it to create a representation of what we meant, and believe me, the imagination can be very cruel.
                  When we think of happiness usually comes to our mind the image of a smiling person. This image is different from a person just satisfied. But the stranger in society is that it ends up being satisfied with little. It seems that when it reaches a certain satisfaction, it stops running after, like it has forgotten what truly is bliss. It's a bit annoying to go out and hear: "It is not what I wanted, but oh, okay, it is very labor continue ...". Stop the idea of giving up when there is so little to get where you want. After all, you don’t want to come to an end with that question: "Would it have been different?"
                  Love is caring, is to protect, you never forget. Friendship is having someone there to support you, even though the craziest situation you ever gotten, is knowing you have someone to share the past. Irony is a different way of looking at the world, it’s interesting I confess, but you have to know how to use it. Reality, well, reality is this whole mixture of feelings, decisions, relationships and events with which we will never get used to, just learn to deal with. Satisfaction is when we achieve something, but we know that something else can be done. And happiness is the simple fact that we can look around in all directions, and make sure we're exactly where we're supposed to be.

Booked Dates...

             "Remember the true meaning of Christmas". It's what everybody says, but you know, There is not an unique meaning for Christmas. To every single person, there’s a different value. If you ask a child, she’ll say that it’s the day to open presents. If you ask a religious he’ll say that this is the day to celebrate the birth of Christ. But ask a retired father, and he’ll say that this is the day to reunite the family.
            It’s impossible to define it as the best time of year, it certainly won’t be, but it’s just a day to remember what happened during the other 365 that surround our lives that makes it worthwhile. It is a day to stay at home, talking about anything, eating all kinds of candy that we don’t eat every day, for the hundredth time watch again those Christmas drawings by Disney and see again the loved ones who live far away.
             The New Year is not too different. It’s in the last day of the year that we start to celebrate the new one that’s coming. We make plans, jump in just one foot, eat lentils, well, we do all that stuff that might bring us good luck. But, my dear, remember that not all people celebrate this day. There are people with enough reasons not to do it, so if you just couldn’t go to another place but home to celebrate it, let it go and see what you can do.
             Shout, sing, dance, renew energy, because in less than a week, everything will start all over again and don’t forget to make it another best year of your lives. Try to overcome yourself, not just the others. So when 12 months have passed again, you’ll be able to look back and say, "It was good to have lived and I’m proud of it, but I don’t really want a repeat ..."

quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012

It's an endless cycle...

     Fights and reconciliations, maturation and overcoming, tears and fun. This is how we reached the end of another year. I think it's a bit indescribable to say what really happened because it seems that nothing actually happened because of the quickness it ended, but when we evaluate the work already done, there is no doubt that we accomplished a lot during these months of 2011.
       No matter how, there is no why, we all got a few more mature. In one way or another, we learned to appreciate the small and simple moments that occur in our lifes and also to support some situations that we don't judge pleasant. We learned that "nothing was so bad that it can't be overcome, and nothing was so good that it can't be repeated." We learned to smile for silly reasons and to cry for not so silly ones, but above all, that life is nothing more than what we decide to do with it.
     Special people came in and came out of  our daily lives. It's going to be so strange, in 2012, walk through those corridors already well known, get in the class and not see faces that used to be a routine part of 2011. Friendships have been immortalized, other have been ended. Hearts were broken, others healed. Some people closed the year with a sense of achievement, but others, with the wish that they could have done everything different. But you know, sometimes people need more time, need a second chance to realize what really matters.
     After all, dear friends, I can only thank you for making this year so different, so intense and incomparable. Thanks for all the laughter in the school halls, thanks for companions tears at the end of exams and even by those attention calls during cleanups, because we were talking too much. Anyway, just thank you, because I know that at some point, I needed you.

"From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give
In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life"